Project Happy {Year 6}: Days 191-200

Things are just pootling on as normal here at the moment.  School, work, kids, life admin.  Nothing particularly noteworthy or fun.  And as a consequence I’ve been feeling a little flat with my photography and it’s seemed that moments of joy are few and far between compared to the summer.  In all honesty, I struggle with that.  I fall into the trap of thinking that every single day has to be amazing so we can all ‘be happy’ and of course that’s not true in the slightest.

These quiet, ordinary days are filled with just as many joyful moments, whether it’s snuggling one of the girls on the sofa, listening to them tell me about their day at school or catching sight of a pretty sunset.  This current shift in seasons is bringing with it a much needed shift in energy and perspective, some very necessary downtime before the next big push.

Thankfully, September has gifted us some spectacular skies to enjoy both as the world wakes up and as it settles down for the night.  An impressive six out of ten photos are of the sunrise or sunset.

Here are my happy moments from mid-September and I’m now properly caught up with these Project Happy posts as well, so that’s something to celebrate too.

Day 191: Sunset

Day 192: Possibly my most favourite sunrise I’ve ever witnessed.  It looked like the sky had been painted!

Day 193: Another beautiful sunset

Day 194: We travelled down to Southampton early this morning to stay with friends for the weekend. They took us kayaking on the river and we had so much fun. It was gorgeous weather too.

Day 195: A morning walk in the park with my friend’s baby and dogs.  None of us wanted to go home!

Day 196: A lovely way to end a Monday

Day 197: A pastel glow for tonight’s sunset

Day 198: I love seeing Mimi get creative. This was her art homework.

Day 199: These September skies are certainly spoiling us this year. Another stunning sunset. I love how different they all are!

Day 200: I love it when she wears her hair in pigtails. Listening to her favourite band (Now United) whilst working on her bullet journal

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