March feels like it’s been a very long month and yet somehow, at the same time, I’m quite surprised that we’re suddenly already at the end of it. Everyone I’ve spoken to has felt the same. I’m never quite sure how that works. Either way, it’s been a long-short month full of fun things, as well as all of the ordinary-magic pieces squeezed into the midst of it all.
Neil spent the first half of March in India, watching England play cricket against a spectacular backdrop of the Himalayas whilst I held the fort down at home. Then we switched – he stayed home whilst Ella and I spent a weekend in Dublin together for the open day at Trinity College University right at the start of the Easter holidays.
Here are all the little things I’ve been loving lately throughout March…

Sunset at Howth Lighthouse, Dublin, March 2024
The Power: by Naomi Alderman. This was recommended to me by a good friend of mine so I picked up a copy and dived in. I’m only about halfway through and it’s taken me all month to get that far – I’m finding it quite hard work. It’s interesting and very different from the usual things I read, I have to concentrate on it and absorb a decent chunk at a time rather than dipping in and out, and it’s definitely challenging me and making me think a lot. I’m curious about where the storyline is going because at the moment I have no idea! Hopefully I’ll have finished it by the time I write next month’s Little Loves post so I’ll be able to share what I thought of it overall.
Lonely Planet Guide To Dublin: The last time I was in Dublin was 20 years ago so I definitely needed to refresh my memory! I didn’t buy an updated version, so it was fascinating re-reading my original one and seeing all the things I’d circled to go and explore first time around. Ella and I both had a list of places we wanted to visit (in between uni open day talks) so we looked them up in advance and the book travelled faithfully with us to Ireland.

My faithful 20 year old copy of Lonely Planet’s City Guide to Dublin
This is 54: I’ve recently discovered Substack, a platform for writers. You can find me on there at ‘We’re All Made Of Stories‘, if you’d like to subscribe. (I’ve not published anything yet – watch this space!). Whilst trying to navigate my way around this new place, I happened upon this interview with Elizabeth Gilbert, about ageing. I’m seeing her speak live at an event in London next month and now I’m even more excited about it than I already was. I think she’s a very interesting and inspiring person, with a refreshing take on how to live life.
One Day: After re-reading the book for the first time in fifteen years last month (having completely forgotten what happened, and sobbing my heart out when I got to ‘that part’ – if you know, you know), I knew I’d have to watch the TV series on Netflix, especially because everyone has been raving about it. It was SO good. The actors who played Emma and Dexter, the two main characters, were absolutely brilliant – every nuanced expression and pause told so much of the story, and it seemed like I, as a viewer, could feel everything they were feeling.
I thought that the episodes could have been a touch longer – there were 14 in all but they only lasted twenty minutes (maximum) each – if they’d been stretched to half an hour or forty minutes I think there would have been that little bit more space to allow the narrative and the characters to grow even further, and to share more of the details and moments in between that make the story so real. And yes, I cried (again). Watch it.
Irish sunset & sunrise: I’m really quite impressed that during the full-on, jam-packed, 48 hours that Ella and I were in Dublin for, I managed to watch two spectacular displays of nature. We were honestly just so lucky to have dry weather the whole time we were there. First, at the end of a long day of exploring the city, we got to experience sunset at Howth, a fishing village on a peninsula north of Dublin. We walked along the harbour all the way out to the lighthouse. It was ridiculously windy and bitingly cold, but it was 100% worth it.

Sunset at Howth Harbour
Then, the next morning, my friend (who we were staying with) and I got up super early to catch the sunrise at Portmarnock beach, near where he lives. It was, thankfully, a much calmer morning and quietly watching the soft glow of the colours emerging from the ocean’s horizon was pretty special.

Sunrise at Portmarnock Beach

It’s hard to believe that these two images were take just minutes apart from each other at sunrise, facing in different directions, but they were!
Rachel Larson Weaver: I signed up to a month long writing course being run by Rachel Larson Weaver – a photographer who’s art, words, and way of being in the world I greatly enjoy. It consisted of two live Zoom classes a week, plus daily writing prompts via email and a private Facebook group where the participants could gather to connect with each other and share our work.
I knew in advance that it would be a lot to commit to and I was right – I didn’t manage to make it to every class (I still have a few recordings to catch up on) and I didn’t manage to create the time to respond to every prompt, but it doesn’t matter. The course has reignited my love and spark for writing in a way I haven’t felt for a long time. I haven’t written – properly I mean, in terms of personal essays or about the stuff that really matters – in years. It’s like I lost my voice.
Hearing Rachel teach about writing, and hearing the words that my classmates have written and shared, was deeply moving. The class has finished now but I hope to remain connected to everyone else who took part, and to gradually work my way through the prompts. Perhaps I’ll even share some of my words on my Substack one day soon.
Classical Taylor Swift: The stars aligned and it turned out that the one evening we were actually in Dublin itself for, there happened to be a candlelit concert of Taylor Swift music being performed in an impressive church right in the heart of the city centre, with the timings working in perfect synchronicity with everything else we had planned into our day.
Ella has been desperate to go to one of these performances ever since I’ve been to see two previous concerts, both dedicated to the music of Ludovico Einaudi – one in Birmingham last year and one in Liverpool last month. Of course I booked us tickets and honestly, I think I watched her face and reactions more than I watched the actual concert. Seeing her experiencing the magic of a string quartet performing music she loves in a totally different way from anything she’s ever seen or heard before was an absolute joy to witness. I hope it’s something she remembers forever.

The incredible venue for the candlelit Taylor Swift classical concert that Ella and I went to in Dublin
Choices: March has seen both Mimi and Lola make some important choices about their education and future. Mimi put in her application for college, which she’ll start in September after sitting her GCSEs this summer. She’s chosen Psychology, History and Sports Science A and A+ Levels, with Criminology as a back up if one of them isn’t available or doesn’t run. And Lola chose her GCSE options, which she’ll begin studying in the new academic year. She’s opted for Geography, French, Business Studies and Drama.
New tattoo: I have wanted another tattoo for years – it was even on my ’40 Things Before I’m 40′ list and I didn’t manage to do it. I knew the rough design and placement that I wanted, I just needed to find the bravery to actually go for it. Apparently a random Thursday in March was the day. I was super-nervous, but everyone at Vivid Ink Stafford (especially Paul, who created exactly what I wanted), was so kind and patient.
I’m absolutely delighted with it! A favourite flower of each of the strong women who came before me – a daisy for my Mum, a sweet pea for my Nana and a poppy for my Grannie, plus a peony (my favourite) to represent me in the middle, surrounded by them.

My new tattoo!
Dublin: My first travel adventure of the year happened this month. As already mentioned, Ella and I paid a flying visit to Dublin for the Trinity College University open day. I’ve been to Dublin once before, twenty years ago, to visit a friend I met whilst travelling in New Zealand. We’re still close friends now, so we stayed with him and his family in the town they live in a little to the north of the city.
As well as seeing the university (which it turns out Ella isn’t eligible to apply for anyway), we did The Book Of Kells Experience, which was very interesting; we made friends with a seal; ate fish and chips; explored as much of the city as we possibly could; watched sunrise and sunset; went to a candlelit concert and all in all had a really fun time.

The Long Room and Gaia – part of The Book Of Kells Experience

Ella and blossom and coffee at Trinity College University campus
And now all of a sudden we’re a quarter of the way through the the year and chapter three of 2024 has come to a close. Spring is slowly starting to emerge which makes me very happy indeed – I can’t wait for lighter mornings and evenings.
I hope that you found plenty of little things to love throughout March and that next month promises to be fun.
With love,
Chloe x