Mimi turned eight earlier on this week. We’ve been having a bit of a challenging time with her recently and so we wanted to make it an extra special day for her. Of course, you always want your children’s birthdays to be memorable don’t you? This one just felt a little different – in my head I needed to make sure she knows how important and loved she is.
We held her bowling birthday party the week previously, and she had a fantastic time surrounded by her friends – I don’t think she stopped laughing for the whole evening and it was really wonderful to see as sometimes I worry that I’ve lost my happy girl for good. We all had lots of fun and the cards and presents she received from her friends were so thoughtful and generous. One message (from her best friend) read: “I hope you have a wonderful birthday as wonderful as you are. You are amazing in every way I could imagine. Also you are beautiful. Warning – do not let anyone change who you are. Don’t change yourself. If I’m upset you always make me laugh. Mimi is the best, better than the rest I think everyone likes you in the class. Happy birthday!”. I must admit that I got a little bit emotional at that one and had tears in my eyes as I read it – I couldn’t have put it better myself!
My Mum & Ray and Neil’s parents came to visit last Sunday to spend some time with the birthday girl and give her the gifts they’d bought her too as they weren’t going to be able to see her on her actual birthday. We had a lovely day with them and Mimi loved being surrounded by family.

Opening some presents from Nana and Grandad – I love the expression on her face!
Mimi’s actual birthday fell on a school day, which is always a little bit of a let down I think – perhaps we should make a new family rule that no-one has to go to work or school on their birthday?! Anyway, the husband had to work the evening shift that day so we woke the girls up a little bit earlier than normal, had a special breakfast of pain au chocolates (normally reserved for Sundays!) and then she opened all her presents and cards before we had to leave for school. Her main present was a Nintendo DS (secondhand) – she’s been desperate for one ever since Ella got one for her birthday last year. The look on her face as she opened the box was priceless.
Even so, I think her favourite present by far has been a sound machine. We visit Waterstone’s bookshop most weekends so that Ella can buy herself a new book with her pocket money, and there is a little section of novelty gifts that Mimi loves to nose through. She’d spotted the sound machine weeks and weeks ago and fell about laughing in the shop as she tried out all the different buttons, so I knew I’d have to get it for her as a bit of a silly gift. It definitely hasn’t disappointed – giggles galore fill our house most mornings now (along with the charming sound effects of burps, trumps and wolf whistles…). She also got some Liverpool Football Club gifts (a new duvet set and a personalised mug), plus some new clothes for summer, some money that has gone straight into her Junior ISA, books to read, activity books, Lego and a CD that she’s wanted for ages. What a lucky girl!
We surprised her with another birthday cake (she’d already had one at her party) and sang happy birthday to her as she made a wish and blew out her candles. I don’t know what she wished for (“because otherwise it won’t come true Mummy”), but whatever it was she was concentrating very hard on it, so I hope that someday she can make it happen. And then it was time to go to school.
We have a little tradition that the birthday girl (or boy!) gets to choose what they would most like to have for dinner on their special day. I think she really wanted to go out for dinner to Pizza Express, but because Daddy had to work we couldn’t make it happen, so she chose takeaway pizza from Pizza Hut instead!
All in all she’s had a wonderful few days – birthdays always seem to stretch out for longer when you’re little don’t they? We’d like to say a very big thank you to everyone who has helped to make her birthday so special for her – we’re very grateful for your thoughtfulness and generosity and the amount of love you’ve shown her.


The birthday girl – look at the size of that smile 🙂

I love this photo of my girls together

Showing me her brand new personalised LFC mug

Trying out the sound machine

I know this one is a little out of focus but I don’t care because the joy in their faces is priceless

Opening her main present

Surprise and delight that she got the DS she wanted!

Ready to blow out the candles on birthday cake #2

Enjoying her pizza

Birthday dinner
Eight is such a big age! She looks so grown up and I love her face when she’s opening the presents. Happy Birthday Mimi x
Donna recently posted…Celebrating the Queen’s Birthday with a Serenata Flowers Giveaway!
Chloe Ridgway
Eight does feel like a bit of a milestone – it’s the age her big sister started getting pocket money so now she’s getting the same and is delighted!
Gorgeous post, they look SO happy!
Lyndsay | Fizzy Peaches Travel & Lifestyle Blog
Chloe Ridgway
Ah thank you Lyndsay. She really was as happy as she looks 🙂