The first half of February seemed to disappear in the blink of an eye and now here we are almost at the end of the month already. The theme for this edition of Project Happy seems to be the beautiful light we’ve been having recently – I’ve never known February to be anything other than cold and grey so this unexpected and wonderful early foray into Spring sunshine has been so very welcome.
Here are my daily moments of joy from before half term…

Day 341: I went to my second yoga class of the week and bought a copy of my friend’s brand new book!

Day 342: Felix stretched out and sunbathing on our bed. Happy cat 🙂

Day 343: A family walk on Cannock Chase, following the winter sun

Day 344: Happy daffodils

Day 345: An absolutely stunning sunrise

Day 346: Pretty sunset

Day 347: Valentine’s Day sunset

Day 348: Friday afternoon, chilling on the sofa after school and half term has officially started!

Day 349: Another beautiful sunset – the skies really have been stunning recently

Day 350: An afternoon at Shugborough, searching for snowdrops