September seems to have disappeared in a flash – we’re already three quarters of the way through and here I am belatedly sharing photos from the beginning of the month.
A few final adventures whilst we still had the freedom of the summer holidays, followed by the transition back to school and settling back into a routine. A good start to my favourite month of the year.

Day 181: The 1st of September! One final adventure before going back to school. We spent the day at Birmingham Botanical Gardens and there was a Country Line Dancing event on – so fun!

Day 182: A beautiful pink and yellow sunrise

Day 183: Stretching our legs on Cannock Chase amidst the last of the heather

Day 184: Back to school! And Mimi’s first day of High School

Day 185: Pink sky in the morning…

Day 186: Daft cat. I love it when he sleeps like this!

Day 187: A dramatic sunset

Day 188: Weekend wander down the canal and a mooch around Canalside Farm’s new farm shop

Day 189: One of my favourite parts of the day. I love listening to her read to me 🙂

Day 190: Beautiful flowers in someone’s front garden on the afternoon school run