The end of November has been as understated as the rest of the month and even though part of me hates being at home so much, another part of me is quite glad of the quiet as I feel utterly mentally exhausted at the moment.
It’s when I start feeling overwhelmed with everything that this project really matters. It would be easy to let a day slide by without capturing something. But that one day would turn into two, two would turn into a week, and before I know it I’d have stopped documenting my daily moments of joy altogether. I’m not willing to let that happen, so, as tired or down as I feel, I still look for something. And there’s always something, no matter how small.
My happy moments from the end of November (and how is it only three weeks until Christmas?!):

Day 261: One of my favourite sunsets of the year so far

Day 262: “Please do not enter – homework in process” (found on the floor outside Lola’s bedroom door)

Day 263: Mimi injured her toe and couldn’t walk, so had the day off school. She asked to do some painting. For once I said yes and I’m so glad I did.

Day 264: We had a family trip to the cinema to see Frozen 2. It was so good!

Day 265: Beautiful flowers

Day 266: Lola made Mimi a ‘get well soon’ card to help her injured toe get better. I love that she does this for people and that it’s all her own idea to do it.

Day 267: Sunset

Day 268: I love how different sunsets can be from one day to the next!

Day 269: Blue sky for what feels like the first time in weeks

Day 270: Ella and Mimi had an inset day today and we had a happily quiet day at home/running errands in town. This sunset finished the day beautifully