A holiday edition of Project Happy! During the Easter holidays we spent a glorious ten days in our happy place by the sea in Bude in North Cornwall and it was exactly what we all needed after months of stress. It wasn’t without it’s challenges of course (because what holiday is?!) but it didn’t matter: we were all together; we made some wonderful new memories; and we had a lot of fun as well as plenty of down-time.
We were originally booked in for just a week, but the owners very generously gifted us an extra three days stay as there was no one else booked in to stay after us. It really was the difference that made the difference – the Easter bank holiday weekend weather was fantastic and we spent a lot of time at the beach as a result. I can’t believe we’ve been home for almost two weeks already.
I had so many happy moments from every day that it was really hard to choose which one was my favourite. There will be dedicated posts documenting our trip to follow in the coming weeks, but for now here is a snippet of what we got up to and some of my happy moments from the Easter holidays…

Day 41: We headed down to the skate park on scooters and found this awesome mural

Day 42: It was absolutely freezing today but we wrapped up warm and went for a scoot/walk over the clifftops to watch the wild sea (and had an ice cream despite the bitterly cold wind!)

Day 43: Celebrating my wonderful Mum’s special birthday at a really excellent local restaurant. It was such a lovely evening – good food, good atmosphere, good views and a good time had by all

Day 44: Our annual walk along the canal with my Mum and stepdad, aunt and cousin. We always enjoy it – it’s good to catch up on all the family news after so long and the girls love the freedom. We even saw some teeny tiny ducklings this year!

Day 45: Our big day out this year was to Lanhydrock National Trust and it was fantastic. The house was incredible and the grounds and gardens were stunning. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Day 46: An afternoon at our favourite beach paddling in the sea, jumping over waves and squealing with joy

Day 47: Explored a new (to us) beach today and hired a peddalo on the canal for the first time ever this afternoon

Day 48: Got the chance to have a little bit of one-to-one time with Lola this afternoon and we had a great time chatting together as we made our way home along the clifftops

Day 49: Our last day in Bude so we made the most of it – crazy golf, one final ice cream, and an epic game of cricket on the beach

Day 50: Sad to be driving home but this photo makes me smile – I think we wore them out with all the fun we had!