Project Happy {Year 6}: Days 1-10

I’ll be honest.  Life has been a bit…challenging, recently.

Looking forward to our annual trip to our happy place in Cornwall is one thing currently keeping me going.  The other thing is this project.  Committing to find a moment of joy in each day, no matter how difficult that day feels, redirects my attention to all the good things that are still there despite evidence to the contrary.  It reminds me that those good things are ALWAYS there, no matter what else is going on.

These photographs are my proof of that.

Images from sometime at the beginning of March, and the start of my sixth year of Project Happy:

Day 1: This one snapped up 14th place in her first cross county race of the season. A new-to-her course and a lot of competition from a big field of girls made it a challenge and she’s thrilled with the result she got.  Also, pancake day!

Day 2: Her beauty takes my breath away

Day 3: World Book Day. L-R: Ella as Clary from Shadowhunters; Lola as a cat from her favourite series of Holly Webb books; and Mimi as Professor Trelawney from Harry Potter

Day 4: A morning of blue sky in the midst of weeks and weeks of rain

Day 5: Snuggles with this one who had a bit of a tummyache

Day 6: “Mummy, I’m going to wear odd socks today – one for Gryffindor and one for Slytherin!”

Day 7: Magnolia trees in bloom all around our town

Day 8: Finding out that Mimi’s thumb is NOT broken was definitely today’s happy moment after spending three hours in A&E

Day 9: Going to watch this one in her school assembly all about Ancient Egypt

Day 10: Walking home from school with this one and both of us getting the giggles over something I can’t even remember now. I love her laugh.

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