31 Days of Photography- January Week 2

Oh,January: the time for new opportunities and a fresh start. I’m really excited to share all my photos for this month and I hope you are too!

I just want to add that there are a few phone photos in these week’s selection but I think they turned out pretty well nonetheless. Anyway, here are my photos for January Week 2…


January 7th: Colourful

Lola has been pretty occupied weaving these pretty potholders from a birthday present 🙂 (phone photo)

January 8th: Inside

A silly one! I propped this cute bobble hat on Felix and he actually stayed there like that <3

January 9th: Outside

A gorgeous sunset 🙂

January 10th: Family

I’m afraid I haven’t got any photo for today 🙁

January 11th: Everyday

My weekly spread in my bullet journal (a phone photo that really didn’t work 😭

January 12th: A rare treat

Oh my gosh, I haven’t had a CurlyWurly in sooo long 😛

January 13th: Warmth

This book is sooo good and it just makes me feel so warm and happy inside, though it’s quite a dark book. I definitely recommend the series (starting with City of Bones) 😉

Thank you so much for reading!

(Please note: all photos and opinions are my own. Thanks.)

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  • Reply January 15, 2019

    Chloe Ridgway

    That photo of Felix! Haha! And it was such a beautiful sunset wasn’t it? I love that you love sunsets as much as I do. Don’t worry about not being able to get a photo on one of the days – life isn’t predictable sweetheart and sometimes stuff just doesn’t work out. There will always be more opportunities if you look out for them. Love you xoxo
    Chloe Ridgway recently posted…The Happy Jar 2018My Profile

    • Reply January 21, 2019

      Ella Ridgway

      I really love the sunset photo too! Felix can be so draft sometimes, can’t he?
      Love you Mum, xoxo

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