Book Review #5 : Counting by 7s

Hello all! I hope that those of you who have read my latest post (Walt Disney World: A Florida Getaway!) enjoyed it and I hope that those of you who HAVEN’ T will do soon.

Today’s blog post is going to be another one of my book reviews and it’s about a wonderful book called Counting By 7s.


TITLE: Counting By 7s

BY: Holly Goldberg Sloan (not an author I have ever heard of before)


BLURB: I’m asking you to PAY ATTENTION and view it all as being Alive. WITH A CAPITAL A. Willow Chance is a twelve-year-old genius, obsessed with nature and diagnosing medical problems, who finds it comforting to count by 7s. As Willow pieces her life back together, after the unexpected death of her parents, she discovers the connections that bind us all together as a family.

WHY I LIKE/DON’T LIKE IT: This book is incredible and the way it is told is just mind-blowing. I love the way Holly has made the chapters into different people’s perspectives yet still told in third person. The language that has been used is amazing. It’s such a mature book yet an eleven-year-old could read it.

IMPROVEMENT SUGGESTIONS: This is one of those books where I absolutely hated when it ended. I wished (and still do) that the story had gone on forever, I really do!

THIS BOOK IN THREE WORDS: Mind-blowing – Heartfelt – Wise

RECCOMENDATION: I recommend this book to eleven+ as I think it is quite a mature book and it deals with realistic problems and ideas so adults would definitely be able to read it. It is also a very wise book and I think that everybody who reads it will learn something from it.

RATING: 11/10

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  • Reply February 26, 2018

    Sarah Chistie

    Ella this sounds like such a fab book, I love books where you don’t want them to end, to me thats a sign of a great author.x

    • Reply February 27, 2018

      Ella Ridgway

      It is fab Sarah! So do I and I hope one day that one of MY books will be described like that 🙂

  • Reply February 26, 2018


    Aww what a great review little one. And I love that you say your 3 words to describe it!
    Kerri-Ann recently posted…My Family Adventures – FebruaryMy Profile

    • Reply February 27, 2018

      Ella Ridgway

      Thank you Kerri-Ann! I actually got the idea from book blurbs: they had three words to describe the story at the bottom and I thought it was perfect for my book reviews. Thanks again for the kind comment 🙂

  • Great review!! Sounds like a great book and one to get my daughters for when they’re older xx
    Heledd – Running in Lavender recently posted…19/2: Five Thing I Love This WeekMy Profile

    • Reply February 27, 2018

      Ella Ridgway

      Oh it definitely is Heledd! I’m sure your daughters will love it when they’re older 🙂

  • Reply February 28, 2018


    This is a great review, it actually made me want to read it myself! Well done Ella.

    • Reply March 4, 2018

      Ella Ridgway

      Thank you Suzanne! I hope you do read it, I’m sure you’ll like it just as much as I do 🙂

  • Reply February 28, 2018


    Fantastic book review. I’ll have to remember this one for when my eldest turns eleven later in the year. x

    • Reply March 4, 2018

      Ella Ridgway

      Thank you Morgana! I’m sure she’ll love it 🙂

  • Reply February 28, 2018

    Caro | The Twinkle Diaries

    Aaah I LOVE the books where I’m sad when they end. I always feel quite upset that I’m never going to hear about those characters again! Great review Ella — it sounds like a fabulous book! xx
    Caro | The Twinkle Diaries recently posted…Colour Your World | #26 Blooming DahliaMy Profile

    • Reply March 4, 2018

      Ella Ridgway

      Me too, Caro! I always borrow the books I hate to see end out of the library lots more times! It definitely is a fabulous book. Thanks for your kind comment 🙂

  • Reply October 3, 2020


    I’ve read this book before and everything she says is true! Thanks Ella

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