Project Happy {Year 5}: Days 151-160

We’re halfway through the summer holidays now and it’s been a relatively simple couple of weeks with a mixture of work days, quiet days and adventure days.  It’s hard to believe that in just three short weeks time the girls will be going back to school and a whole new chapter will be starting.

As challenging as some days can be during the holidays (constant negotiations over screen time, endless arguments between the girls, refusals to leave the house, and missing their friends to name just a few!), I love having them home with me.  Conversations that we might never have had, extra cuddles and “I love you”s, snuggling on the sofa, baking, long walks, playing in the garden, lazy mornings, hours spent reading, ‘helpers’ whilst we run errands together… all the ordinary, day to day things that somehow become extraordinary when you get to do them together.  And I’m soaking them up as best as I can before it all changes in September.

Day 151: New haircuts for all the girls (after 18 months of not having it done!)

Day 152: Lola was so excited to have her best friend round to play

Day 153: The girls and I had the best afternoon on a long walk on Cannock Chase – I love this photo so much!

Day 154: A spectacular sunrise

Day 155: “Look Mama, the red bits of the flower look like hearts!”

Day 156: A walk in the woods at Downs Banks 

Day 157: Decorating our patio with chalks and rainbows 🙂

Day 158: Everyone was tired today. This one dragged her duvet downstairs, laid it out on the floor and had a cheeky little nap!

Day 159: Another pretty sunrise – these August skies are spoiling us at the moment

Day 160: Mum visited for the weekend and we went to Shugborough for the afternoon. I love this shot of her photobombing my photo! It makes me giggle every time I see it 🙂

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  • Reply September 8, 2018


    Hi Chloe,
    Lovely photos. My favorite is with your mom, photobombing the flowers, she’s so cute! 😉
    I love my boys being around the house and at the same time school, means peace around the house, too! haha
    Thanks for sharing.

    • Reply September 11, 2018

      Chloe Ridgway

      Thanks Jessica. That’s one of my favourites too! The peace is lovely but I do miss my girls when they’re at school. Motherhood is such a beautiful mess of contradictions isn’t it?

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