
Little Loves: September 2023

September is usually my favourite month of the year.  This time it felt both infinitely long and as if it passed by in the blink of an eye – it’s been full-on in so many ways.  The summer sunshine we’d been hopefully waiting for all throughout July and August finally decided to show up during…

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Little Loves: August 2023

In direct contrast to the crazy busy-ness that was July, August has felt long and slow, even though we have done a fair number of things.  It’s seemed like a month of being held in limbo:  waiting for Ella’s GCSE results; waiting to hear back about various job applications she’s submitted; waiting for the summer…

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Little Loves: July 2023

July was busy.  There is no other word for it – it was simply full-on with work plus all of the end-of-term things happening at school (reward trips, prom, vaccinations, teacher strike days and more).  We did a lot of travelling around the UK this month too, with visits to Brighton, Southampton, Cornwall and London. …

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Little Loves: June 2023

It has been all about exams this month.  After half term finished it was straight back into the second half of Ella’s GCSEs, which were immediately followed by Mimi’s Year 10 Mocks – the first time she’s experienced formal exams and understood what the whole process is like.  They both coped admirably well and are…

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Little Loves: May 2023

May was such a busy and intense month.  It was jam-packed full of good things, especially during the first two weeks – there was something happening almost every single day. The big news is that I turned 40 years old (!) this month so there were several mini-celebrations connected to that: two birthday surprises that…

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40 Things Before I’m 40: The Big 4-0!

On my 33rd birthday seven years ago, I wrote a post called ‘40 things Before I’m 40‘. It was a list of forty things that I wanted to do, achieve and experience before I turned forty years old.  I’d originally started the list when I turned thirty but I hadn’t launched my blog at that point…

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Little Loves: April 2023

April was a month of two halves.  The first two weeks – the Easter holidays – went SO fast and the second half of the month felt like it dragged on forever.  It still astonishes me how time stretches and expands and shrinks and contracts on a minute by minute basis at the moment, let…

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Little Loves: March 2023

I always welcome March with open arms after the annual challenges that February brings.  The arrival of Spring, the world starting to wake up and the light beginning to reappear makes such a difference in so many ways – mood, energy levels, motivation and more. Neil returned home from his epic three-week long trip to…

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Little Loves: February 2023

February has been… interesting.  I’ve been solo-parenting and holding down the fort for just over three weeks whilst Neil travelled to the other side of the world to watch the England cricket team play two test matches in New Zealand, with adventures in Los Angeles and Fiji along the way. We weren’t sure if he…

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Little Loves: January 2023

Hello and happy new year!  It seems strange to be saying that at the end of January but I honestly don’t know where this month has gone. I started 2023 off in style by testing positive for Covid on New Years Day, having successfully avoided it for almost three years.  I felt pretty rough, which…

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