
Little Loves: July 2021

July has felt a bit like a rollercoaster of highs and lows.  All three girls had to isolate from school, one after the other, like dominoes.  The return to home learning again was not something I’d anticipated this late in the school year.  Ella was first, when a student in her half of the year…

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Little Loves: June 2021

June has been a full-on month with both work and play and as a result it feels like it’s disappeared in the blink of an eye – how are we halfway through 2021 already?! Having spent the first part of Whitsun half term exploring Edinburgh at the end of last month on our first ever…

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Little Loves: May 2021

May felt like a month of two halves.  The first two weeks involved a lot of rain (the inevitable flipside of the glorious weather we had during our week in Cornwall in April perhaps?!) and a lot of waiting.  Waiting for the weather to improve (we had the heating on.  In May!).  Waiting for news…

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Little Loves: April 2021

April feels like it’s stretched on for ages.  For all the right reasons though – it’s been full of good things.  We’ve been doing our best to make the most of the last month of having Neil home with us full time before he goes back to work at the start of May to get…

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Little Loves: March 2021

March has been a month of two halves:  I didn’t pick up my camera at all for the whole of the first two weeks (which is unheard of for me) – I was just so busy trying to balance home-schooling with being incredibly busy and full-on with my own work that there wasn’t time to…

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ClickAway 2020: Atlanta

In March 2020, a whole year ago, I attended my first ever ClickAway Photography Conference.  ClickAway is an annual photography event run by the brilliant ClickinMoms community and it takes place in a different location in the United States every year.  ClickAway 2020 was held in the beautiful city of Atlanta, Georgia. *Please note that…

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Little Loves: February 2021

The end of February represents the end of Winter in my eyes and that is definitely a good thing.  I’m desperate for some spring sunshine and very much hoping that it’s just around the corner.  It’s felt like this month has gone quite quickly and I can’t quite believe that tomorrow is March.  I can’t…

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Little Loves: January 2021

Hello 2021.  The start of a brand new year is usually full of anticipation, promise and excitedly scribbled down ideas & plans for the coming months.  Instead January began in much the same way as 2020 ended: lockdown number three.  Schools closed, shops closed, still unable to see the people we love.  It wasn’t what…

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2020: My Year In Numbers

In 2017 I took a leaf out of Suzanne from Inside Outside and Beyond’s blog pages and started tracking my year in numbers, measuring the year according to all the things that are important to me and which I value the most: family time; love and connection; travel; creativity; helping others and personal challenges/growth. I enjoyed documenting…

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Little Loves: December 2020

December has felt like an extraordinarily mixed month, as I’m sure it has for many people.  I think everyone has experienced the entire spectrum of emotions in rollercoaster form on repeat over the last few weeks: Frustration at extra layers of restrictions and the ‘too little too late’ response from the Government regarding case numbers…

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