Hi guys! Bullet journaling is the new big thing and I’m sure some of you could use a few tips and tricks. I have created a bullet journal myself and it has been so much fun! Here are my ideas…..
Top Three Places to Shop:
The first thing you need is a notebook. I used a plain notebook but a dotted one is best, although a squared one also works. Here are my top three places to buy one…
- Amazon: Has a greatly varied range of notebooks
- The Works: Has a few plain A4 notebooks with quotes on the covers. This is where I bought mine from.
- Waterstones: Has a few moleskin dotted/squared notebooks.

Here is my plain A4 bullet journal from The Works
Decide on YOUR style:
Remember: this is YOUR bullet journal. Make it however you want! The classic styles are neat and organised or REALLY MESSY!
When do you want your bullet journal to start from? The next year? Or the next month?
Top Three Fonts:
So many people stick to just one font when there are sooooo many to choose from! Here are just a few examples:
- Cursive: cursive can make such a huge difference to your work and make it much more elegant.
- BLOCK CAPITALS: these make a clear statement and you can also do it many different styles!
- Bubble writing: this graffiti-style font is so much fun and again, many different styles can be chosen!

Cursive font

Block capitals (don’t forget, you can always mix fonts – it looks really effective!)

Bubble writing (so much fun!)
Index Page:
Do you like neat or messy? Time to choose! For the first page in your bullet journal, design an INDEX PAGE: a page (or more) for what you have on each page. Now, do you want it in the style of a book chapter index, or something completely different? YOU decide!

My colourful Index Page
The Beginning:
After your index page, leave a few pages – you don’t know how long your journal will be – and begin your new and exciting journey! Most people start with a future log like I did, but if you want to skip the organising part, begin with a Books to Read and Movies to Watch page!
For the FUTURE LOG, split two pages into 12 boxes (six on each side) with a small space between each one. Then, divide up each box into small boxes and add numbers – you may need a calendar or diary for this! You will also need to add some sort of coding system: one colour or shape for birthdays, another for special dates like school inset days or Christmas Day, and another for holidays etc…. Remember to add a key so you know which is which. Finally, add your months and get colouring! Even an organised notebook needs colours and embellishments!

My Future Log
For the Books and Movies, skip to a clean double page. On the left-hand side draw a bookcase and lots of books of different sizes and write down the books you want to read. On the right-hand page, draw a movie tape and some popcorn and write down the movies you want to watch! Finally, COLOUR!

This is one of my favourite things to draw in my bullet journal 🙂
Right, you’ve got your beginning. Now GET DRAWING! You could add a monthly log, use a space for notes, hashtags, quotes or even as a secret diary!
Finally gather all your fave pens, felt tips and pencil crayons and, using an elastic band, keep them with your bullet journal project!
Use Pinterest, Instagram and more social media websites for ideas if you’re stuck for inspiration!
Please tell me if you have been inspired to start your own bullet journal: I would love to know! Thanks for reading!
I am big into lists so bullet journals are fab. It’s great way to mind dump when I need to as well. These look fab.
Ella Ridgway
Thank you Jenny! Me too, I’m such a list-fanatic 😉
Aww what an informative post. I’ve thought about a bullet journal for a while now. Never quite got round to it
Ella Ridgway
Oh thanks Kerri-Ann! Loved meeting up with you earlier this autumn and can’t wait to see you again! Thanks again 🙂
I love a bullet journal! I often get so carried away with making it pretty that I forget to use it to organise myself! Such a fab and informative post x
Ella Ridgway
Hi Morgana! Yeah, me too, sometimes I just get it out and add extra embellishments to make it pretty! Thanks for your lovely comment 🙂
I’m feelin’ that Future Log. Not only does it make my retinas dance, it has me rushing to my #StationeryNerd shelf. Thanks to you, looks like I’ve found a great excuse to work my way through some “poor boo” highlighters. You know ’em — too dark or too light for most missions, but for this project, just right. Thx bunches of lots for sharing!
Ella Ridgway
Oh thank you so much! Yeah, I know the highlighters, they can be annoying until you find that ‘just right’ project to use them! Thanks again 🙂