I’m going to admit that I struggled this week. Everyone is tired, there is a lot of bickering and stomping around the house going on, and none of us can wait for half term to arrive. Finding tiny pockets of joy in the everyday juggle felt hard. But, I did it. And that’s what matters.

Day 221: Managed crow-headstand-crow sequence in yoga today and felt amazing. This sunset was the icing on the cake.

Day 222: Neither of our cats particularly like being fussed, but this one crawled onto my lap today for a ten minute cuddle.

Day 223: Relentless rain = arts and crafts afternoon

Day 224: More rain, so we watched Paddington 2 on DVD together

Day 225: A golden sunset

Day 226: A rather lovely couple of hours spent collecting pretty leaves and faffing around with them for Autumn flatlay photos

Day 227: A pastel sunset. I love how the dark clouds at the bottom mirror the silhouette of the buildings

Day 228: This one came with me to cheer Mimi on in a netball competition and we practised shooting goals together – she’s pretty good and I was pleased that I haven’t lost my skills after 20 years!

Day 229: A poorly one at home with me today so we spent it playing every board game under the sun, taking silly selfies together and ended with her beating me spectacularly at cards.

Day 230: Halloween costume shopping with the eldest and this gorgeous sunset to end a slow Saturday.