The days and weeks are all blending into one and I’m behind on pretty much everything but this project helps me keep track of the days and all the delicious little moments of happiness that would otherwise go unnoticed.
From some time in November…

Day 251: Someone was super proud to bring home her very first ‘Star of the Week’ certificate from her dance class

Day 252: This boy 🙂

Day 253: Morning light on the school run (phone photo)

Day 254: I got my engagement ring back to day after not wearing it for 6 weeks whilst it was being fixed. And this sunset.

Day 255: Morning cuddles in the kitchen

Day 256: A quiet sunrise, while the rest of the world was still sleeping

Day 257: Lola made this card to give to her best friend and it was just the sweetest thing. She put so much thought and effort into it.

Day 258: These two being obliging enough to let me take some photos of them. The idea I had didn’t quite work out as planned but I still love the images I got.

Day 259: We managed to get out for a little adventure today and explored somewhere new in the most gorgeous golden Autumn light and my heart felt full

Day 260: Evening school run sky