The start of 2019… a brand new year; birthday celebrations and back to school all in the space of a week!
We’ve settled into our regular routine of early mornings, school runs, homework, activity clubs and work; everyone is tired already and I’ve started daydreaming about our travel plans for the year. I’m not a fan of January with it’s gloomy weather and short days but I’m also aware that we feed what we focus on. If I keep focusing on all the things I don’t like about January then it’ll end up being a pretty miserable month. And so instead I’m working to change my outlook on January to being a more positive one – seeing it as a fresh start and the beginning of twelve whole months of opportunities.
It’s been a good start to the year and whilst of course none of us know what the future holds I’m very much hoping that we can make 2019 a year stuffed full of family moments, happy memories and new experiences.

Day 301: The girls enjoying a game of Harry Potter Cluedo together

Day 302: New Year’s Eve. Opening our Happy Jar.

Day 303: A chilly-but-lovely walk around Trentham Gardens

Day 304: Lola’s 9th birthday!

Day 305: Spending the afternoon with Lola helping her with one of her birthday presents – a weaving kit

Day 306: Catching Lola creating this poster for her bedroom door – “Believe in your dreams”

Day 307: A stomp in the woods with my cousin and her kiddos who came to visit for the afternoon

Day 308: Making cinnamon buns

Day 309: Ella went back to school today so I got to spend the day with these two monkeys. The mild(ish) weather meant they could play in the garden!

Day 310: Everyone was back at school today and the sunset on the way home was pretty 🙂