Happy moments from some time back at the beginning of January: new growth; pretty light; home improvements; slow days; and stepping outside of my comfort zone 🙂

Day 311: Pretty sunset

Day 312: A beautiful sunrise on the morning school run

Day 313: This daft cat making herself at home in one of Ella’s baskets

Day 314: Meeting up with some blogger friends in Birmingham and exploring the Digbeth street art district

Day 315: Signs of life in the garden!

Day 316: The littlest one slipping her hand into mine as we walked to school together

Day 317: New carpets!

Day 318: Sunset

Day 319: Felix sunbathing on our bed

Day 320: Curling up on the sofa with the husband to watch this – he’s usually at work on a Friday night so it felt like a real treat (and the film was good too!)