Project Happy {Year 5}: Days 321-330

Truthfully?  I’m finding the lack of outdoor adventures these last couple of months particularly hard.  Being outside, even when it’s freezing cold and I can’t feel my fingers or toes or face, is absolutely vital for my mental wellbeing.  It feels like such a waste of time staying inside when we could be out making memories together, and wasting time is not something I’m comfortable with because none of us know how much time each of us is going to get.

But I know this is just a season, a temporary slice of life that I’m supposed to learn something from.  Learning to let myself to rest?  Being forced to focus on all the things that need sorting out closer to home rather than escaping into nature?  The challenge of documenting our days in tricky indoor light?  Who knows. I’m sure I’ll figure it out eventually.

Meanwhile, here are some more moments of joy from January…baking, winter light, creativity, books and cuddles.  If staying home is where we’re going to be, I can’t think of any better ways to make the most of it.

Day 321: A gift for me from Ella. The quote reads “Some books you read, some books you enjoy. But some books just swallow you up, heart and soul” ~ Joanne Harris

Day 322: Sundays are for building a den in the kitchen

Day 323: Monday morning, sunrise. A beautiful way to start the week.

Day 324: Ella was off school poorly with a tummy ache today. She was feeling a little better by the afternoon so we played Game OF Life, which brought back so many memories of when I was Ella’s age and used to play this game when I went for sleepovers at my best friend’s house.

Day 325: Finished my book!

Day 326: Felix decided he wanted to go to school with Lola

Day 327: Friday evening snuggles on the sofa in front of the TV

Day 328: Lola has started writing a story. I love that she’s illustrated each page and used her very best handwriting.

Day 329: We baked the unicorn cupcake kit that Lola got for her birthday and the girls declared them to be delicious 🙂

Day 330: This one all snuggled up in her new favourite sleeping spot on Ella’s bed

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