The days are disappearing fast at the moment and life is full-on. Our calendars are booked solidly until August when they suddenly become blissfully empty and I’m counting down the days until the summer holidays whilst simultaneously trying to savour every last moment of Ella being at primary school.
It’s going to be a season of transition for sure and I’m hoping that we’ve done a good enough job of giving her some solid roots of love and belonging at home so that she can stretch her wings and start to fly as she enters this new stage of both her education and who she’s becoming.
My happy moments from the last ten days are a bit of a mixture really. It’s been lovely to reconnect with some friends and do something different, and I’ve also quite enjoyed the mundane routine of daily life. Ever the contradiction. The ‘normal’ gives me space to breathe and the ‘different’ gives me the excitement that I crave. It’s finding the balance between the two that’s the tricky part! As always, I’m grateful for continuing this project so I can capture it all and look back on where I am now some time in the future.

Day 91: A gorgeous Sunday morning spent walking at the Stepping Stones and paddling in the stream with my little tribe

Day 92: A photo from my phone and quite possibly the most boring photo ever but it brings me SO much joy. We finally had our loft boarded out and I have got rid of so much clutter that was taking up space and it suddenly feels like a new house!

Day 93: My roses bloomed!

Day 94: Mimi being super brave during yet more blood tests

Day 95: I love that she always makes faces at herself in the mirror whilst I’m drying her hair!

Day 96: I caught Luna having a cuddle with Lola’s teddy!

Day 97: Some one to one time with Ella whilst the other two were at football and dance classes and it was so lovely chatting with her and stopping to smell these beautiful roses as we walked together.

Day 98: A day-trip to London to meet up with this gorgeous woman, who I met in Colorado on the photography retreat we both attended last September. She was on a flying visit to London on the way to Stockholm with her family and we managed to co-ordinate a couple of hours together. There wasn’t enough time to catch-up but it was so lovely to see her and meet her family and it made me realise just how important the connections are that I made in the mountains.

Day 99: Mimi took part in a cricket tournament (which lasted all day) and one of the organisers told her and another teammate that they should try out for the county team! She really loved playing it and seeing her so happy makes me feel happy too (photo taken on my phone)

Day 100: I had the honour and pleasure of photographing these two gorgeous women today. We pretty much laughed non-stop.