The start of November was a bit of a whirlwind with the end of half term, going back to school, two trips to London, family coming to visit from overseas (no photos – we were too busy chatting and catching up with each other’s news!), the ongoing house-moving saga and a very special 18th birthday to celebrate.
Lots of lovely happy moments this week (mixed in with some stressy ones) and it feels like they’ve been long overdue.

Day 241: Halloween (l-r: Harry Potter’s scar, the Deathly Hallows, a witch’s cat)

Day 242: Baking cinnamon buns with my girls

Day 243: A gorgeous sunset

Day 244: A family trip to the cinema for the end of half term to see The Addams Family

Day 245: A visit to London – the first one for two years! – to go to World Travel Market. Met some people I’ve been talking to online for years and had a really good time.

Day 246: The littlest one and I had a big argument and then I found this on my pillow (“To Mummy, I am sorry”).

Day 247: A pretty sunrise, and family visiting for a couple of days from the USA who I haven’t seen for a year and a half.

Day 248: The fluffy one sat on my lap for ages today (before deciding she preferred our bed). Our cats are not lap cats – it’s very rare they’ll settle on us – so it was extra lovely that she gave me lots of cuddles.

Day 249: Stunning sunset

Day 250: We travelled down to Hertfordshire for Sophie’s 18th birthday party. I still can’t believe she’s 18! It was wonderful seeing her have so much fun.