The start of December was a good kind of busy with a visit from my Mum, Ella’s birthday and finally getting a moving date. This month is always manic so throwing in a house-move along with everything else will be totally fine (won’t it?!).

Day 271: The littlest and I snuggling on the sofa together reading our books. It’s not often I actually sit down to read and when I do it’s usually after the girls have all gone to bed so it was lovely to actually relax together for once

Day 272: Managed to convince everyone to leave the house for a walk on Cannock Chase to blow away the cobwebs

Day 273: Sunset after a long day spent in A&E after we thought Mimi might have broken her jaw. Thankfully she hadn’t!

Day 274: Spotted Luna soaking up the winter sun and people (cat?) watching from our bedroom window

Day 275: Sunset in the rearview mirror as I was waiting to pick Mimi up from her after school netball club

Day 276: Lunch out with my Mum who was up staying with us for a few days, plus listening to Lola sing Christmas carols at the Christmas Tree Festival at church

Day 277: Having Mum here for an extra day and getting to spend proper, quality time with her. Also, we finally exchanged on our new house today!

Day 278: Ella’s 13th birthday!

Day 279: Sunrise. And packing up all our stuff ready to move house.

Day 280: The very last day and night in our home of eleven years