The beginning of a whole new chapter. Quite literally, as one door closes, another one opens. Mid-December was busy with moving house, end-of-term festivities, work, Christmas (and birthday!) preparations and two children out for the count with actual, proper flu. It hit them one week after the other and I’ve not seen them that poorly for a long time.
The craziness has been totally worth it though. We’re happy in our new home. I know we’re going to make many, many happy memories here. How do I know? Because we’ve already started…

Day 281: Moving day! It was bucketing down with rain, Mimi had flu and pretty much lay on the floor of whichever room was empty for the whole day, and we had to sit in the car for two hours as our new house wasn’t quite ready for us yet, but we’re in! WE’RE IN!

Day 282: Capturing the sunrise from out of my new bedroom window

Day 283: Felix ‘helping’ me to unpack

Day 284: Still ill. Obviously that’s not something to be happy about, but it does give me the opportunity to capture photos like this and I get bonus extra cuddles when she is awake.

Day 285: Lola still insists on writing a Christmas card for every single person in her class at school and it’s the sweetest little tradition of hers.

Day 286: Our priority this weekend was getting the Christmas decorations up and making the house look all festive. Unpacking boxes can wait.

Day 287: Ella’s turn to come down with the flu. We watched Home Alone together (one of my favourite Christmas films!) whilst I wrote Christmas cards.

Day 288: Went to watch Mimi perform in her school Christmas show and it was ace!

Day 289: Our cats are not lap cats. They never come for cuddles. So my day was made when Luna sat on my lap quite happily this evening, especially with the twinkly Christmas lights on. I felt so cosy :).

Day 290: This one was super excited for her class Christmas party today and if that doesn’t deserve a happy selfie in the car park when you’re a little bit early for school then I don’t know what does.