Despite it only being a short three and a half weeks between the Easter holidays and the next school break, we were all very ready for half term by the time it rolled around. The days leading up to it were crammed full of lovely moments and celebrations amidst the chaos. I love all of these photos!

Day 71: Sunrise is one of my favourite parts of the day

Day 72: Another stunning sunrise. Being an early riser definitely has it’s rewards.

Day 73: First yoga class in exactly three months. It’s SO good to be back.

Day 74: All dressed up and ready for the school disco

Day 75: Early birthday celebrations – cake, presents, everything! – for this one as we’ll be away for her actual birthday.

Day 76: The teenager came to visit! Look how happy they all are to be reunited! We’ve really missed her. Also, this is my new favourite photo.

Day 77: The first rose to bloom in the garden this year

Day 78: The whole of today was taken up with packing and getting ready to go on our travels, so being greeted with this beautiful sunrise was a lovely reward for the early start

Day 79: Travelling to Boston for a family adventure!

Day 80: The first full day of our trip and we did the first half of the Freedom Trail. There is SO much history in Boston and it was a great way to get our bearings in the city