November and December 2022: The Moments In Between

I take hundreds of photos every month, and most of them don’t get shared with anyone, let alone online. And yet the moments in time that those photos capture are just as important a part of our story as the other images that I do choose to share.

I originally created this blog as a way of documenting our lives, a way of watching the girls grow into who they’re going to be and a way of remembering who they once were. It’s something I want them to be able to look back on as they get older, because memories fade but (digital) photographs don’t.  A legacy, of sorts.

It’s easy (and tempting) to only focus on sharing the fun bits, the memorable parts, the highlights and the celebrations. But I’m learning more and more as I continue through this crazy journey of motherhood and life that it’s really important to me that I capture the ordinary, everyday times that we spend together as well.

The pieces of the jigsaw that fill in the gaps to complete the picture.

The tantalising glimpses into who our girls are becoming.

The chaos, the calm and all the moments in between.

This feature – The Moments In Between – is a space for me to share all of those magical and messy parts of our family life that would otherwise just stay in a folder on my laptop, never to see the light of day.



November passed by slowly and then December disappeared all in a rush.  Crutches and cancelled plans forced me to slow down in direct contrast to the necessary rush of getting everything ready for the multiple birthday and Christmas celebrations in our household at the close of the year.

I felt pulled in totally opposite directions and yet somehow everything that needed to happen, happened.   Yet another beautiful reminder that things don’t have to be either/or – they can be both; that things don’t have to be mutually exclusive – they can happily co-exist.  Chaos and calm, busy-ness and serenity.  If you let it, everything returns to a natural balance, an equilibrium.  I wonder how many times I’m going to need to learn that lesson before it actually sinks in?

There is only a small selection of photos to document the last couple of months.  They’re an accurate representation though, showing quiet days at home (the girls had more pyjama-days than getting-dressed days I think!), winter light, illness, time with family, plus a bit of festive sparkle.  I wish I’d captured more. I always wish I’d captured more.  But anything more than nothing is something.  And ‘something’ matters.  Our story matters.

This was our story in November and December…

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