Our Family Photoshoot with Steve Gerrard

I follow many photographers on Facebook and Instagram, from all across the globe and all different walks of life.  I love seeing their work, continually get inspired by the images they capture and regularly dream of having them photograph my family.

One of those photographers is Steve Gerrard (no, not the footballer, although it’s quite a coincidence considering that my husband and our middle daughter are possibly the biggest Liverpool Football Club fans in the world).  Originally from Birmingham, Steve moved to Montreal with his French-Canadian wife and their three boys (who are almost exactly the same ages as my three girls) a few years ago.  He’s primarily known for his incredible wedding photography and he shoots couples all over the world – two of my absolute favourites are this one in Iceland (seriously, go and look – its phenomenal) and this one in Lake Como in Italy.  I love the candidness of his shots and the creativity of his vision – his images are startling, unique and emotive.

He comes back to the UK several times a year to shoot weddings and run workshops, and he squeezes in as many family photoshoots as he can while he’s here.  I was lucky enough to be able to grab one of the exclusive, much sought after spots back in August.

It was supposed to be a full family shoot with all six of us – my husband and I, the teenager and the three girls.  Then the teenager’s Mum whisked her off on holiday, and the husband said yes to an opportunity to watch the cricket at Edgbaston with his friend who had won tickets.  So it ended up being just me and my girls.  I have to admit that I felt a little bit sad and disappointed at first, but as the date grew nearer I felt more and more positive about it.  I have hundreds of photos of my husband with our girls but very few of me as I’m always the one behind the camera.

Back at the end of last year I set myself ten photography resolutions, one of which was to get in the frame more with my girls to show them that I was there too.  This was the perfect opportunity AND I knew I’d be able to pick Steve’s brains about all things photography related while I had the chance.  Win-win.

We headed for our favourite spot – the Stepping Stones on Cannock Chase.  I’ve taken countless photos of my girls along this trail and I’ve used it as a location when I’ve done family photoshoots for friends too.  We know it well, there are plenty of hidden pathways and places to capture some fun shots and I knew it would be perfect.

Honestly, we had so much fun.  Steve had us in stitches with his jokes (the girls still fall about laughing even now when they remember the one about the French cat who can’t swim…perhaps you had to be there!) and regaled us with stories of all the celebrities he’s captured on camera (James Bay and Kelly Jones from the Stereophonics were my two favourites out of the list).  We chatted easily and I felt relaxed the whole time, which is saying something considering I usually feel incredibly self conscious in front of the camera.  I knew he was capturing moments as we went along but it never ever felt intrusive – it seemed natural and as if it was just part of the walk we were on together.

Typically, it rained.  And we didn’t make it all the way to the Stepping Stones themselves as I’d hoped we would, but it really didn’t matter as you can see from the photos below.  He gave me tons of images, and I had so many favourites that I wanted to include them all.  It was tricky narrowing it down to just these ones.

I’m already planning to book him again next summer if he’s back in the UK as I’d love some more shots with my husband and the teenager too if we can make it work logistically.  I really wish I’d had some family photos done sooner – its not just about the end product of the images themselves.  It’s the whole experience of getting those images that forms the memories and part of our story along the way.

I came away full to the brim with ideas and inspiration for ways in which I can work with families next year on their own photoshoots, capturing moments and making memories as we go. 



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  • Reply November 16, 2017


    These photos are absolutely stunning. I love how natural they are whilst still being frame-worthy! x

    • Reply November 18, 2017

      Chloe Ridgway

      Thanks Donna. I rarely print photos out any more but a few of these will definitely be going in a frame 🙂

  • Reply November 17, 2017

    Hayley @hayleyfromhome

    Oh these are just beautiful! You’re right they are so natural, they are my favourite kind of photos. You and your girls have the most amazing smiles – the joy shines through. What a lovely post to read on a Friday morning xx

    • Reply November 18, 2017

      Chloe Ridgway

      Thank you Hayley! They’re my favourite kind of photos too, so much better than fully posed shots 🙂

  • Reply November 17, 2017

    Jess Soothill

    Oh wow the light in these are stunning. I like the green of the leaves and the white sky. Very natural indeed and you always capture happiness too 🙂 Jess xx
    Jess Soothill recently posted…How to dress more ParisianMy Profile

    • Reply November 18, 2017

      Chloe Ridgway

      Thanks Jess. Steve did a brilliant job of capturing us so naturally and I love all the photos. He has a unique way of editing that I really like.

  • Reply November 17, 2017

    Dan Ward

    Aww these are gorgeous! Great shots!

    • Reply November 18, 2017

      Chloe Ridgway

      Thanks Dan! Steve did a great job – I’m so pleased with them. Also, I’ve just had a peek at your website – your wedding captures are beautiful.

  • Reply November 20, 2017


    I absolutely love the one where you are hugging little one and eldest on the swing and laughter coming from sister behind that should be framed. I would love to do a shoot here if sstunning what beautiful light and snaps here hunny. #wrc
    Jenny recently posted…Blue Skies, Primark and a new fireplace #littlelovesMy Profile

    • Reply November 24, 2017

      Chloe Ridgway

      Thanks Jenny – that’s one of my favourites too! I’d love to do a shoot with you and your gorgeous kiddos here – B and MM would absolutely love it.

  • I’ve seen some of these pictures on your Instagram and thought then how gorgeous they were. The magical setting and you with your girls having fun is the perfect recipe for a gorgeous shoot. These pictures are a collection I know you’ll cherish forever. Just beautiful xx
    Heledd – Running in Lavender recently posted…Warm Blackberry SquaresMy Profile

    • Reply November 24, 2017

      Chloe Ridgway

      Thanks Heledd. I love them so much – Steve did a fantastic job of capturing us and you’re absolutely right, I’ll cherish them forever.

  • Reply November 20, 2017


    Such gorgeous photographs of you and your girls Chloe – so natural. Special memories. xx

    • Reply November 24, 2017

      Chloe Ridgway

      Thank you Suzanne 🙂

  • Reply November 21, 2017

    Sarah Christie

    Chloe these are just beautiful I bet you are thrilled with them I love how he has captured you all xx

    • Reply November 24, 2017

      Chloe Ridgway

      Thank you Sarah. I’m so pleased with them – it’s impossible to pick a favourite!

  • Glad you’ve mentioned that, Colleen.

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