It’s been an emotional rollercoaster of a week this week, with all the girls needing some extra TLC and cuddles. As exhausting as it can sometimes feel to have to navigate it all, I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m grateful that they can talk to me about the things that are troubling them, whether they’re big things or little things, and I’m thankful that my words and arms provide some sort of solace and comfort for them.
My happy moments, both big and small, from the last ten days – a mix of celebrations and adventures in between the quieter moments spent at home.

Day 101: Watching this one in an athletics competition. She enters every year and there’s always a really good atmosphere

Day 102: Our four year wedding anniversary and we managed to go out for dinner, just the two of us

Day 103: Beautiful blooms from my husband, who knows just how much I love roses

Day 104: A bit of a different family adventure for us – luxury glamping at Warwick Castle!

Day 105: Today was all kinds of fun spent exploring the Castle, but my favourite part of the day was this beautiful sunrise at 4.30am

Day 106: I love catching little glimpses into her world

Day 107: This moment. A sad Lola needing a cuddle with me, and her big sister joining in

Day 108: Her new favourite spot to sleep

Day 109: This one was off school poorly today and whilst of course her being ill isn’t a happy thing, getting to spend some time with her was rather lovely

Day 110: This boy! He sleeps in the most ridiculous positions and seems to sense when one of the girls needs him nearby for company