Project Happy {Year 5}: Days 141-150

A mostly Italian edition of #projecthappy this time, following our adventure to Lake Maggiore during the first week of the summer holidays.  It truly is an absolutely spectacular place with incredible scenery, a different pace of life and plenty of places to explore – we’ve each come home with a ton of new memories.

In contrast, the second week of the summer holidays has been very slow, simple and relaxed.  We’ve not done very much at all and whilst part of me is finding that a bit frustrating and tricky on occasion, a bigger part of me is relishing the lazy mornings, no schedule and lack of plans.

There is still a whole month to go before the girls go back to school and I’m looking forward to finding out what my daily happy moment(s) will be.  If they’re anything like these ones – a combination of exploring new places and quiet moments at home – it will have been a good summer all round 🙂

Day 141: We spent the afternoon at Maccagno beach before heading out to dinner for the best pizza I’ve ever eaten.

Day 142: We took our first ferry trip today, over to Cannobio on the western shore of the lake. It was so pretty! My favourite place so far.

Day 143: Exploring Laveno, where Ella and I rode the bucket lift to the top of the mountain and we watched the boats in the harbour whilst eating delicious gelato.

Day 144: We headed over to Cannobio again today with the plan of hiking to Sant’Anna. But it ended up being far too hot to do that so instead we discovered these lover’s locks on a suspension bridge, ate (more) gelato and headed back to Luino for a delicious dinner out followed by a sunset walk along the promenade and an epic thunder storm.

Day 145: Our last day in Italy and so we gave the girls the choice of what they wanted to do. Swimming in the lake and one final gelato was what they decided, and so that’s exactly what we did 🙂

Day 146: Sad to be heading home (and also looking forward to it a little bit too). The girls did brilliantly throughout the long travel day – I’m very proud of them.

Day 147: Daft cat. I think Felix is pleased to be home!

Day 148: Both the husband and I went back to work today and the girls went off to a holiday sports club for the day. Felix kept me company whilst I worked.

Day 149: I love coming upstairs and finding them all like this 🙂

Day 150: A quick scoot around the block before Mimi headed off for her very first sleepover at her best friend’s house. Oh to be ten again!

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