Gosh it has felt like a long old start to the school year. Seven and a half weeks of adjusting to our new routine and we’ve finally made it to the much-needed half term break. We’re keeping it slow and enjoying our Autumn traditions which, after the busy-ness of school life in recent weeks, I think is exactly what everyone needs – the chance to relax and recharge in readiness for the next stretch in the lead up to Christmas (which will be here before we know it!).
My joyful moments from the end of October…

Day 231: A quick stretch of the legs along the canal in the Autumn leaves

Day 232: Making banana and blueberry breakfast muffins with Ella as a practice run for her food tech assignment this week. They were yummy!

Day 233: Felix’s new favourite game is to chase shadows around the kitchen floor which the girls think is hysterical

Day 234: Mimi and her team making it all the way to the final of a school netball tournament. And this gorgeous sunset.

Day 235: Spending the morning in A&E with this one after hurting her fingers in netball yesterday and being unable to move them. The happy moment was finding out after having x-rays that it’s not broken, just badly bruised.

Day 236: The last day of school before half term and it was a Halloween-themed mufti day for this cute little cat. Plus I got to watch Mimi receive a special Sports Award in the school’s Celebration Assembly which she was thrilled about (and I couldn’t be more proud!)

Day 237: My Mum came to visit for the weekend and I managed to wrangle the girls into taking some selfies – there aren’t very many photos of all three generations of girls together and I was determined to get some. I love this one 🙂

Day 238: Pumpkin picking!

Day 239: A cheeky Monday afternoon tea-and-cake treat in a gorgeous new café in our town to celebrate the first day of half term.

Day 240: Halloween baking: spider cookies!