Half term and the first week back at school seems to have flown by – I can’t believe we’re already a third of the way through November. It feels like we’re hurtling towards Christmas at full speed ahead and these next few weeks are so busy that I have a feeling it’s going to be here before we know it.
At the moment it’s still very much a case of keeping our heads down and getting on with things – work, school and life admin. So I’m squeezing out my moments of joy in every way that I can and forcing myself to pick up my camera even if it’s the last thing I feel like doing, which has definitely been the case recently.
Sometimes this project feels like harder work than at other times, purely because of the season of life that we’re currently in. But when I look back at the moments I’ve captured I know that it’s always, always worth it.

Day 241: Halloween!

Day 242: A day trip to Charlecote Park with friends we haven’t seen since May

Day 243: Treated myself to some pretty roses 🙂

Day 244: We made a birthday cake for Sophie – it was a bonfire cake with sparklers as her birthday is near Bonfire Night

Day 245: Birthday celebrations for the teenager – seventeen! We sang her happy birthday and she blew out her candles and opened her presents. I think she was pleased we made a bit of a fuss of her.

Day 246: Bonfire Night! We always enjoy our annual sparklers in the garden.

Day 247: Our cats are not lap cats at all so for this one to crawl onto my lap for a cuddle was a lovely treat (even though I couldn’t get much work done while she was there!)

Day 248: The best rainbow I’ve ever seen!

Day 249: A pretty sunrise

Day 250: I really got into this book and couldn’t put it down. Finally finished it tonight (and stayed up late to do so!) and really enjoyed it.
I love your sparkler pics!
I’m thinking of doing this type of challenge next year – any advice
Leona recently posted…Best Things to Do In Iceland with Kids
Chloe Ridgway
Thanks Leona! I’ll be honest, when I first started this 365 project five years ago I had no idea of what it would involve really. It takes quite a bit of commitment and you have to make sure you have your camera with you at all times to capture the moments. But truthfully, I love doing it and will continue with it for the foreseeable future as they’re so lovely to look back on. Best tip – it’s a mindset thing. Once you have in your head that you are going to do it and stick to it, it becomes easy and just a natural part of your day. Wishing you the best of luck with your project and looking forward to seeing the results!