It’s taken me six months to get around to writing this birthday update for Mimi. Six months! Truthfully, it’s taken me that long because I’ve been in quite a tricky headspace with regards to our gorgeous middle daughter and I’ve struggled to put into words what I’ve been wanting to say. I wrote this post a couple of months ago all about the challenges we’ve been facing which hopefully explains things a little further. And that’s helped me put it all into perspective a bit more. Then the new school term happened and life has been busy and somehow even more time has passed, almost without me even realising. But I want to document her tenth birthday because it matters, because SHE matters, so even though it’s half a year on from her special day, here I am in the middle of November, honouring that promise and sharing the fun we had on the day she turned ten.
Mimi’s birthday is towards the end of May, and it usually falls either just before the Spring half term or, if we’re lucky, during the week long break. This year it was the week before the school holiday and as we knew we would be away on our mini road trip through Somerset, Dorset and Hampshire during half term itself, we celebrated early, the weekend before her actual birthday.
Last year Mimi chose to take her best friend to Flip Out – a trampolining park not too far away from us – and she enjoyed it so much that she insisted on doing the same this year! As usual, all the girls had an absolute blast. I took almost exactly the same photo last year and it was fun recreating it this year – it’s crazy to look back at the post I wrote for her 9th birthday and see just how much they’ve all grown and changed in only twelve months.

Recreating the same photo from last year with her sisters and her best friend
After expending all of that energy bouncing and leaping and tumbling, the girls needed to refuel and a takeaway pizza was requested as a bit of a treat. We have a tradition where the birthday girl always gets to choose what she has for their birthday dinner. And, of course, it was followed by birthday cake – the look of joy on her face as we all sang happy birthday to her was just wonderful to see. All the girls have been obsessed with The Greatest Showman ever since it came out at the cinema and they all wanted to watch it again so put the DVD on for them while they were eating. I definitely didn’t have anything to do with that decision whatsoever*. (*I did!)

Watching The Greatest Showman whilst eating takeaway pizza = heaven

Singing ‘Happy Birthday’ – look at the smile on her face!

Blowing out her candle and making a wish
Turning ten is quite a big deal in our house. Entering into ‘double digits’ means the girls are allowed to start having sleepovers with friends and for Mimi the excitement of having her best friend to stay for the night was immense. They stayed up late talking and playing games and we heard giggles long into the night before they eventually fell asleep around midnight, snuggled in sleeping bags and under duvets. It brought back so many memories of having sleepovers at my best friend’s house when I was about Mimi’s age. They’re still some of my fondest childhood memories now and I hope that the fun my girls have with their friends create just as many special moments for them to keep safe in their own memory banks.
Her actual birthday was midweek, on a school day. I know I say it every year but there definitely needs to be some kind of rule that you don’t have to attend school or go to work on your birthday. Mimi loves her sleep, so I ended up having to wake her up so that she would have time to open her cards and presents before going to school! I love these photos of her unwrapping her gifts – her reactions are always so genuine and she makes sure she reads every single birthday card thoroughly.

In our house you have to wear the birthday glasses on your birthday – it’s the law

Opening her birthday cards. Everyone wrote such thoughtful words and birthday wishes to her.

Seeing them all snuggled on the sofa together never fails to make my heart happy

I love it when they laugh together

Best. Reaction. Ever.

Rather thrilled with her brand new Harry Potter Scrabble game!
After a busy day at school she returned home to another birthday cake and balloons as a surprise and I think it’s safe to say she was pretty thrilled with it all. Sometimes keeping things simple can be just as magical as making grand gestures and putting on a big events. She felt loved and happy – that’s all that matters.

I love this photo of her.

All she wanted was a ‘smash cake’ so I made sure she got her wish

And it was rather delicious!


These birthday balloons have become a bit of a tradition now and I kind of love it
Next year her birthday celebrations will be a bit more exciting as we’re going to be somewhere rather special, so this annual post will be a bit different from the last couple of years.
I’m already looking forward to who Mimi becomes over the next six months or so – she’s such an awesome kid. Her feistiness, ability to speak her truth and athletic skills continue to grow, as does her affectionate nature, her hysterical sense of humour and her wild spirit. She’s one of a kind for sure, and I feel so proud and lucky that she chose me to be her Mama.
Caro | The Twinkle Diaries
Aaah what a beautiful post. I bet Mimi will love to look back on this when she’s older Chloe 🙂 I love her cake too!!!
Chloe Ridgway
Thanks Caro. I hope so! (And Tesco do make great birthday cakes 😉 )
Aww such happy photos Chloe, I love writing these posts about each year passing. Lovely to have them to look back on. Gorgeous photos of the girls. x
Chloe Ridgway
Thank you Kerri-Ann. I love writing them too – documenting them over the years is such a special thing. I love seeing how they change as time passes.
Ah Chloe this is so beautiful! I totally understand your feelings and sentiment around writing it and why it took you so long. We are all so lucky that our children chose us to be their mummas, aren’t we? What a privilege. Gorgeous photos as always. xxx
Chloe Ridgway
Thank you Suzanne. We really are so very lucky.