Project Happy {Year 5}: Days 61-70

The first half of May has been so very lovely.  It’s been gorgeously warm and sunny, there was a bank holiday weekend so I got a bonus day with my girls and it’s been my birthday!

As a result there have been lots of joyful moments and once again I’m so thankful that I began this little project in the first place five years ago – it’s changed my world in both the biggest and smallest of ways.

My happy moments from the start of the month are below (and the rest of the month is shaping up to be pretty good too):

Day 61: I finally upgraded my phone (thanks to the most helpful man ever in my local EE shop) and can now properly enter the online world 🙂

Day 62: I’d been feeling a bit sad/cross/frustrated all day. Popped upstairs to get something and found this on my bedside table from Ella <3

Day 63: An absolutely glorious hot and sunny day, a new place to explore, and my tribe 🙂

Day 64: Another beautiful day, so the girls and I went bluebell hunting.

Day 65: My birthday! I received some really lovely cards, the husband took the day off work so we could spend it together and we went to play pool (something I used to love to do and haven’t done for ages).

Day 66: Mimi loves magic, so I downloaded some episodes of Dynamo for her to watch. This was her face the whole way through – she was in absolute awe and delight.

Day 67: I finished my book and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Day 68: Sleepy kitten

Day 69: A belated Christmas present for the teenager – we went to see Michael McIntyre and he was brilliant!

Day 70: It’s been such a long time since the teenager came to stay – we’ve all missed her. Catching her with Ella having a ‘girly chat’ was so lovely to witness. My Mum came to visit for the day too and it’s always good spending time with her 🙂

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