Christmas joy.

Day 291: The husband’s 41st birthday. He was working all day and had to wait until the evening to open his presents and cards – the girls were so impatient for him to get home. It was also the last day of term at school so yay for the Christmas holidays! And finally, he and I went out for a mini date-night to the cinema to see the new Star Wars film. He loved it, I was just glad to be with him after being like ships in the night for the last few weeks.

Day 292: Sophie arrived late last night so it was lovely to have her here for the weekend. We did a belated birthday cake for Neil and hung out together all day – the girls were so happy to spend time with her.

Day 293: Mini-Christmas with Sophie

Day 294: Christmas Eve Eve. Decorating their gingerbread house.

Day 295: Dragged the girls out of the house for our traditional Christmas Eve walk to the Stepping Stones. It felt so good to have some fresh air and nature.

Day 296: Our first Christmas Day in our new home! Good job I told Santa we’d moved house 😉

Day 297: Boxing Day is for board games and bike rides (and catching up on the ‘Gavin and Stacey Christmas Special’ on the TV once all the girls were in bed)

Day 298: Rescued this little guy in our bedroom.

Day 299: Our annual trip to the pantomime. It was Peter Pan this year and I think it was the best one yet! I loved listening to all the girls laugh out loud at the jokes and the pantomime dame.

Day 300: Mini-Christmas with my parents and the in-laws. I put on a big buffet (which is the girls’ favourite thing – they look forward to this day all year!) and we all catch up on news. It’s just so lovely to spend time together. I’m very happy I made everyone have a photo this year (and I’m in it too!).