The start of a new decade plus birthday celebrations should have made for a great start to the new year. However, Lola came down with some kind of virus (sickness & tummy cramps which led to dehydration, fear of eating, confusion and not enough strength to even stand up on her own) the day after her birthday which completely wiped her out. She ended up so poorly that we came very close to taking her to hospital. Thankfully, she’s all better now (isn’t it amazing how quickly kids can bounce back from things?), but it was a very scary five days indeed.
As ever, I’m grateful to this project for keeping me looking for the joy, even in troubling times. I’d considered stopping doing it, but it’s such second-nature to me now that I can’t imagine not having it in my life any more.
Little slices of joy from the transition of one year to the next…

Day 301: We found a new park to play on

Day 302: New Year’s Eve. We opened our happy jar and read through all the happy memories we made in 2019

Day 303: The first sunrise of the new year (and new decade!)

Day 304: Lola’s 10th birthday. We spent the morning at the Kitty Café in Birmingham!

Day 305: My new favourite place to capture the sunset from

Day 306: Absolutely stunning sunrise

Day 307: Lots of extra cuddles with this one who has been very poorly for the last few days

Day 308: A gorgeous golden sunrise

Day 309: The first bit of proper food that Lola has eaten since Thursday – five whole days.

Day 310: Lola finally starting to feel better and build a little bit of strength – enough to be able to sit at the kitchen table and colour in this picture.