Project Happy {Year 6}: Days 31-40

The start of April and the lead up to the Easter holidays was ridiculously busy with both school and work and my brain was so full that I had no headspace to do anything other than get through each day.  I switched off as much as I could during our annual trip to Cornwall and now that we’re home again I’m catching up on all the things I’ve neglected – Project Happy being one of them.

Here are my joyful moments from the first half of the month…

Day 31: Lola’s tooth came out last night but she lost it at school. She wrote the tooth fairy a note and left it under her pillow, and was absolutely thrilled this morning that the tooth fairy had written her a note back as well as leaving her a coin. I love that the magic of childhood is still very much present in her.

Day 32: My best friend came to visit for the afternoon with her husband and one year old daughter. It was so wonderful to see them all! We ate pizza, played with her little girl (who I think of as my niece) and caught up on each other’s news. She lives in Southampton so I don’t get to see her very often and I miss her.

Day 33: Blossom and blue sky

Day 34: Snuggles with this boy

Day 35: A beautiful way to start a Monday morning

Day 36: I went to Ella’s first ever high school parent’s evening today and she received a glowing report from every single teacher. I know she’s not found this first two terms particularly easy – I’m so proud of how she’s doing.  (And I really like this photo of her watching the rain out of our bedroom window)

Day 37: Ella was in the chorus of her school’s performance of Little Shop Of Horrors and I got to see it on opening night. It was brilliant! I thoroughly enjoyed it and thought that everyone performed very well.

Day 38: This crazy mix of sunshine and rain that we keep getting means that the plants are going crazy. Loving all the green that’s starting to put in an appearance.

Day 39: A pretty sunset.  And the end of term!

Day 40: Back in our happy place 🙂 We set off super early this morning to head down to Cornwall and arrived late morning, in time for a long walk over the cliffs and to catch this beautiful view

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