31 Days of Photography- January Week 1

Oh,January: the time for new opportunities and a fresh start. I’m really excited to share all my photos for this month and I hope you are too.

My Christmas wish came true; I got a Canon PowerShot compact camera, complete with a flexible tripod, from my parents, so you can bet I’ve been experimenting with that these last few weeks! Anyway, I hope you enjoy my pictures and here you go…



January 1st: Up close

Some gorgeous primroses in bloom at Trentham Gardens

January 2nd: From afar

Lola’s 9th birthday from the living room doorway

January 3rd: Handcrafted:

Making a paper mache cell model for homework

January 4th: Moon

Sadly, there was no moon that night, so I snapped a pic of the dark sky instead

January 5th: Sun

Running theme here! No sun really so took photo of sky again

January 6th: Monochrome

Our gorgeous girl Luna

I hope that you have all enjoyed these photos and remember to keep an eye out for the next edition! Thanks for reading!

(Please note: all photos have been taken by me. Thanks!)

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  • Reply January 15, 2019

    Chloe Ridgway

    I’m so happy that you love your camera so much! Great photo of Luna 🙂
    Chloe Ridgway recently posted…Life in 52: {2018}My Profile

    • Reply January 21, 2019

      Ella Ridgway

      I really do Mum! Yeah, I think that the one of Luna is pretty cute too 😉
      Love you, xoxo

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