Ella Ridgway

Book Review #7 Part 1 : The Mortal Instruments Series

Hi there! Today’s post is going to be a book review on my all-time favourite series – The Mortal Instruments. This is a YA (Young Adult/teen) supernatural/fantasy series. This universe has three separate series so far (The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices and The Dark Artifices), with four companion books (The Shadowhunters Codex; Tales from…

Bullet Journaling – Updated

Wow, it’s been such a long tie since I did the last post on bullet journaling! It’s almost been a whole year and I’ve finally found my style and am ready to share some awesome layouts, updated tips and tricks! So grab your snacks and drinks and ENJOY! YOU WILL NEED (or the necessary ingredients…

31 Days of Photography- January Week 3

Oh, January: the chance for new opportunities and fresh starts. We are nearly at the end though and I can’t believe how pretty the sunrise/sunsets have been. I hope you’ve been enjoying my posts so far and please feel free to leave a comment down below! Anyway….. ENJOY! January 14th: Cold January 15th: Above January…

31 Days of Photography- January Week 2

Oh,January: the time for new opportunities and a fresh start. I’m really excited to share all my photos for this month and I hope you are too! I just want to add that there are a few phone photos in these week’s selection but I think they turned out pretty well nonetheless. Anyway, here are…

A New Project

Hello, all! Gosh, I bet you all thought I had disappeared off the face of the Earth, it’s been so long since I last posted! I have been looking on Pinterest (if you would like to check out my page and my mum’s, here is mine: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/ellaridgway9/ and here is my mum’s: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/picturetakermemorymaker/ ) for a…

Ideas for Budding Bullet Journalists

Hi guys! Bullet journaling is the new big thing and I’m sure some of you could use a few tips and tricks. I have created a bullet journal myself and it has been so much fun! Here are my ideas….. ENJOY! Top Three Places to Shop: The first thing you need is a notebook. I used a…