Things I Want To Remember

Dad: 4 Years {Opening The Cardboard Box}

February is over, we’re almost halfway through March and I feel like I can breathe again.  I hadn’t realised I was holding my breath.  But I must have been because suddenly there’s a little bit less of a squeezing feeling in my chest. Last month marked four years since my Dad died, suddenly and unexpectedly,…

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Lola: Nine

The new year always begins in the most positive of ways for us as we celebrate our youngest girl’s birthday at the start of January.  I can’t think of a better way to bring colour and joy to the greyest of months.  This year, she turned nine years old.  Nine years of my little ray…

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The Happy Jar 2018

We begin January 1st every year with an empty glass jar and a stack of brightly coloured scraps of paper.  They’re placed on the kitchen side together, easily accessible for all, and throughout the weeks and months that follow, whenever someone thinks of something that they’ve felt happy about (or proud of, or excited about)…

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Life in 52: {2018}

Anyone who meets me for the first time quickly recognises just how important photography is to me.  My camera is very rarely out of my hands – it’s pretty much an extension of me and I take it almost everywhere I go.  I’ve been this way for as long as I can remember, though the…

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Ella: Twelve

This time last week, my eldest baby, Ella, turned twelve.  TWELVE!  How am I a mama to a twelve year old?  I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday and now suddenly we’re here, on the cusp of teenagerhood, having almost completed her first full term at high school.  I can’t quite…

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Mimi: Ten

It’s taken me six months to get around to writing this birthday update for Mimi.  Six months!  Truthfully, it’s taken me that long because I’ve been in quite a tricky headspace with regards to our gorgeous middle daughter and I’ve struggled to put into words what I’ve been wanting to say.  I wrote this post…

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