Oops, late again! Working two full time jobs and raising a family has a way of making time disappear without you realising. The days are full from the moment I wake up at 5.30am every morning to the minute my head touches the pillow late at night and I’m counting down the days until the summer holidays start so that we can embrace slower mornings and plenty of time together. One week to go!
In between all the work and busy-ness there are still plenty of moments of joy, and I’m holding on to those tightly this week after four different friends and colleagues have each received awful news (deaths, illnesses and accidents) about loved ones. Yet more reminders that life is short, that you never know what is going to happen next, that you have to make the most of every single day and choose to live your life in a way that makes you happy no matter what those around you might think.
So here they are… my moments of happiness that remind me how lucky I am that life is good, that my family are healthy, that we have a roof over our heads and all the opportunities that we have.
Day 121: Beautiful, sunny yellow roses to cheer up a grey morning
Day 122: Ella had a visit to the high school she’ll potentially be going to next year and won a trophy for making the best rocket ship during the science taster lesson! She really enjoyed her day there and went in seeming confident, which I feel so happy about.
Day 123: Watching Mimi and her classmates have fun and cheer each other on whilst taking part in an athletics tournament
Day 124: This one had her class assembly today all about rainforests. She gets really nervous having to stand up in front of a group of people and talk and she did brilliantly! I could tell she was nervous but I don’t think anyone else knew. I’m so proud of her. (Phone photo)
Day 125: Sports Day!
Day 126: Sophie came to visit for the weekend 🙂
Day 127: An adventure to the flower fields
Day 128: I love having fresh flowers in my kitchen and these ones that I bought from the flowers fields yesterday are so pretty – they make me smile every time I see them.
Day 129: Lola had a ‘Seaside’ day at school today and learned all about the history of Punch and Judy shows, which I loved listening to on the way home from school – it’s not often she gives me lots of detail about her day. Also, she’s super impressed with her sunflower and showed her teddies how tall it is.
Day 130: This photo doesn’t really do it justice, but this sunset on the way home from London was pretty spectacular