Project Happy {Year 4}: Days 281-290

The last couple of weeks has been full-on with school activities, Christmas preparations, snow days and trying to get the last mountain of my work done, all whilst we all crawled towards the end of term. Somehow though it hasn’t felt particularly busy and I’m grateful for that. The unexpected snow brought lots of moments of joy for us all (and I normally hate snow, so that’s saying something!).

Here are my happy moments from the last ten days…

Day 281: Lots of snow overnight meant we spent the day building a snowman, having snowball fights, putting up our Christmas tree and writing Christmas cards


Day 282: School was closed because of the snow and that called for hot chocolates all round 🙂


Day 283: Lola was off school poorly with a rotten cold but I figured that ten minutes playing in the snow would be ok.


Day 284: My last ever commute to London and I handed in the keys to my therapy room. I’m looking forward to a new phase of working with my clients that’s going to be better all round for my family.


Day 285: These two attend the school choir practice every week and this evening the group sang the Christmas carols they’ve been practising for all the parents. It was lovely and festive and I loved seeing these two perform.


Day 286: A pretty sunrise


Day 287: The teenager came to stay for the weekend to celebrate Ella and their Dad’s birthdays. We had a quiet day and a nice family meal out (at Pizza Hut!)


Day 288: This little cutie kept me entertained with her antics today


Day 289: The penultimate day of school, so we celebrated with homemade chocolate muffins decorated like Christmas puddings


Day 290: Sunrise on the last day of term. Christmas holidays tomorrow!



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