Project Happy {Year 5}: Days 41-50

The first week back at work and school after a trip can sometimes be a bit tough, and our days have certainly been packed with various appointments and activities since we launched back into it all after our family holiday in Bude.  We’re all tired already!  The sunshine putting in an appearance made such a huge positive difference though – it’s been lovely to wear TShirts instead of jumpers and to feel the warmth on my skin.  Roll on summer.

It’s a mixed bunch of joyful moments but I guess that’s a good thing.  Finding joy in a variety of ways means that we can always find something to feel good about, no matter what the circumstances.

Here is my selection from the last ten days – is anyone else slightly stunned that it’s May next week?!

Day 41: Sad to be leaving Cornwall after a lovely holiday, but this beautiful sunrise during our journey home helped ease the blow.

Day 42: Felix still hasn’t forgiven me for leaving them at the cattery while we were away, but Luna is cuddly again

Day 43: The first day back at school after two and a half weeks off and the blossom tree outside school has exploded into bloom. I look forward to it all year and it always lives up to my expectations – it’s so pretty!

Day 44: I’ve been gradually shifting the colour palette in our bedroom and have been looking for the right shade of pink cushion for ages. Finally found it today!

Day 45: A cloudless blue sky (no editing whatsoever!), sunshine and a mini ‘heatwave’ make me happy

Day 46: Mimi took part in a football tournament after school today so we went along to watch, support and cheer her on. Glorious sunshine made it a far better experience than last year (where it was torrential rain) and I loved that Lola put on her favourite hat. They got knocked out of the competition before reaching the semi-finals but Mimi had fun. (Photo from my phone as I completely forgot to take my camera in the hurry to get her there on time!)

Day 47: I love it when Mimi brings home a certificate. She can sometimes lack confidence in her abilities at school and so anything that gives her a boost is a good thing.

Day 48: I finally finished this monster of a book! It’s taken me months and whilst I enjoyed reading it again, I am also a tiny bit relieved to have got through it.

Day 49: Some precious one-to-one time with Lola this afternoon, which we spent together at Trentham Gardens. She’s such great company 🙂

Day 50: Started reading this and loving it so far – it’s intriguing and I’m looking forward to finding out what the author does with the main character

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