Project Happy {Year 5}: Days 51-60

It’s been a busy ten days full of the usual sports events, school and work routine, plus the slightly more unusual occurrences of late night theatre performances, being interviewed and saying yes to meeting up with online friends in real life.  Those were happy moment highlights of course, but sometimes the most ordinary of moments are my most favourite parts of the day.

Two months into my fifth year of documenting my everyday joy and I’m pretty sure I’ll never run out of moments to capture.

Also, how is it May already?!

Day 51: Lola came shyly up to me holding something behind her back and said “I’m really sorry Mummy, I made this for you for Mother’s Day and forgot to give it to you because I’d hidden it so well” and then presented me with this, a picture of me “with a big smile and arms wide open to give cuddles” and my heart nearly burst with love.

Day 52: Watching Ella perform on stage at our local theatre with her dance group from school. (Image taken by the theatre’s hired professional photographer)

Day 53: These two have such a special relationship.  I love this moment I managed to capture of the two of them together.

Day 54: Friday evening, post-school snuggles

Day 55: An afternoon at Trentham Gardens with lovely new friends, Penny and Katy (and all their gorgeous kiddos)

Day 56: Mimi enjoying the sunshine in the back garden

Day 57: I never know what she’s going to find next. I literally have no idea where this stick-on moustache came from!

Day 58: Gorgeous pink blossom everywhere. I love that each colour comes out at different stages so the blossom season lasts for longer.

Day 59:  I got interviewed by Annabel Norman From Normans Running Wild!  We had such a lovely chat 🙂

Day 60: She doesn’t often ask to read to me, so when she does I say yes as often as I can (especially when she’s reading Harry Potter)

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