Project Happy {Year 4}: Days 171-180

The end of the summer holidays is upon us. The next #projecthappy post will be once the girls are all back at school and we’re firmly settled back into the routine of school runs, after school clubs and homework.  It’s been a lovely final burst of adventures and as I look back through all the photos I’m realising just how much we’ve packed in.  There have been so many favourite days, though I think for me the highlight has been our little mini-break staying with friends in Southampton.

Here are my happy moments from the last ten days of summer:

Day 171: Our second day staying with friends in Southampton and today we went to Key Haven and walked all the way along The Spit to Hurst Lighthouse, catching the ferry back to the harbour. It was an absolutely brilliant day 🙂

Day 172: Home! Reunited with the Boy who was a bit disgruntled at having been abandoned at the cattery for three days and very happy to see us 🙂

Day 173: Happy yellow roses to cheer up my kitchen

Day 174: Catching all three girls playing Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit nicely together (without it descending into an argument after five minutes!)

Day 175: An afternoon at Shugborough

Day 176: I spent a gorgeous afternoon doing a photoshoot for my friend and her beautiful family. This was one of my favourites from the session – eskimo kisses are always a good idea 🙂

Day 177: Bank Holiday Monday and the sun is shining – woohoo!

Day 178: I *may* have slammed the kitchen door a bit too hard in a fit of temper and it *may* have caused a picture to fall off the shelf and shatter. I bought this ‘Stay Weird’ print from Asda today to replace said picture and I kind of love it. (I don’t love realising how wonky the shelf is though!)

Day 179: Getting stuck into this on my train journeys to and from London today. I’m loving rediscovering all the parts I’d forgotten about 🙂

Day 180: We spent time with a friend of mine today and met her gorgeous 5 month old baby. I barely took any photos though as we were chatting so much! Then this evening at bathtime Lola was making me laugh with her “fishy kisses” face 🙂

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