Project Happy {Year 4}: Days 51-60

Hello May!  It’s been a bit of an odd couple of weeks – going back to school after the Easter holidays and getting back into the routine of packed lunches, remembering PE kits, after school clubs and homework, only to then have an extra day off because of the May Day Bank Holiday.

We’re all tired already – our week in Cornwall feels like it was a million years ago – and I’m making plans for and looking forward to half term at the end of the month.  We’ve tried to make the most of the time we’ve had together – it’s so very precious with the girls at school full time and I want to soak up every possible moment with them.

Here’s what we’ve been up to and my joyful moments from the last ten days:

Day 51: The girls went back to school after the Easter holidays. Everyone was tired so a warm bath and lots of cuddles were required. I love the curls on the back of her neck.


Day 52: “I don’t want to go to school Mummy” was soon remedied thanks to snuggles with The Boy


Day 53: Getting stuck into this rather excellent book on the train to and from London today. I didn’t fall asleep so it must be good!


Day 54: Thursdays are my ‘day off’. I had my first yoga class in a month (bliss) and actually sat down to drink my drink without multitasking anything else, in my new favourite mug 🙂


Day 55: Building the Titanic


Day 56: Saturdays call for ice cream and smiley face chocolate buttons 🙂


Day 57: A visit to the bluebell woods


Day 58: Bank Holiday Monday means an extra bonus day off school so we went to see Boss Baby at the cinema, which had us all giggling. And my peonies bloomed – aren’t they beautiful?


Day 59: This one ran her socks off in an inter-school cross country competition – I loved seeing her take part in something that lights her up from the inside


Day 60: After I finished with clients I met up with my lovely Mum and we went to see the Sony World Photography exhibition at Somerset House. Such a diverse range of images- we had lots of good discussions about them all.



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