Chloe Ridgway

Secret Agent Training (otherwise known as SATs)

If you are a parent of a school-age child you’ll probably be aware that it’s currently exam season.  SATs, GCSEs, AS and A Levels, Mocks… May and June are not fun months for either parents or children when it comes to school. When Ella and Mimi (currently in Years 5 and 4 of primary school respectively) were in Year…

Making New Friends

A few weeks ago on a lovely, sunny Saturday, the girls and I headed up to Trentham Gardens for the afternoon.  Trentham is somewhere we go several times a year – it’s one of our favourite places to visit as there are loads of things there for the girls to enjoy whatever the season – the lakeside walk and…

40 Things Before I’m 40: Annual Update

On my birthday last year I posted a list of 40 things I want to do, achieve and experience before I turn 40 years old in 2023.  I’d originally started the list when I turned thirty but I hadn’t launched my blog at that point so it existed solely in the relative privacy of one of my numerous notebooks…

In Search Of Bluebells…

Every year for the last few years, since the girls have been old enough to properly appreciate it really, we’ve headed off on a family adventure in search of bluebells.  It’s become a bit of a tradition as it’s usually around the time of my birthday that they’re all in bloom (though this year they’re a…

Little Loves: April 2017

Gosh this month seems to have zoomed by… again!  I feel like I say it in pretty much every post I write (and to be fair I probably do), but I just don’t know where this year is disappearing to.  April was a month of sunshine, family time and plenty of treats – it’s been…