Chloe Ridgway

December: The moments in between

I take hundreds of photos every month, and most of them don’t get shared with anyone, let alone online. And yet the moments in time that those photos capture are just as important a part of our story as the other images that I do choose to share. I created this blog as a way…

My Ten Photography Resolutions

I only realised, quite literally a couple of hours ago, that tomorrow is New Years Eve.  NEW YEARS EVE!  How did that happen?  Where has the last week gone? I’ve been thinking for a while now about various posts that are crammed into my brain at the moment, waiting to be written – reflecting on 2016, my intentions for…

Cabin Fever

Chrimbo Limbo.  Twixmas. Whatever you call it, the week between Christmas and New Year is always a bit odd.  No-one is ever quite sure what day it is; there are late nights and even (*gasp*) lie-ins for the girls (this really does feel like a bit of a Christmas miracle – they’re so worn out from the…

Project Happy: Days 1021-1030

Christmas Week! A festive installment of #projecthappy today. I can’t quite believe that it’s already all over – it took me ages to feel even a little bit Christmassy (not until the evening of Christmas Eve if I’m honest) and now suddenly it’s been and gone and finished and we’re all already turning our thoughts…

Festive Fun: Christmas 2016

Christmas is a relatively quiet affair in our house.  I’ve mentioned before that the husband only really gets Christmas Day itself off – the rest of the time he’s working and so it’s up to the girls and I to make our own fun. I love the little Christmas Eve traditions that we’ve created over…

Project Happy: Days 1011-1020

‘Twas the week before Christmas and all through the house…children were struggling with end-of-term tiredness, Mummy was struggling with trying to get everything done and Daddy was struggling with stress at work. But despite all of this we’ve managed to have lots of fun and festive family time together, and that has made all the…

Our Winter Bucket List

I’m not a fan of Winter – I much prefer the promise of Spring, the warmth of Summer and the colours of Autumn.  If I had my way I’d move us all to the Southern Hemisphere for three months and then return once the greyness has lifted. However, this not really being practical (though I’m sure…

Project Happy: Days 1001-1010

It’s been a funny couple of weeks. Odd funny rather than ha-ha funny. I managed to damage the USB port in my camera (don’t ask) so haven’t been able to access any images to upload to the blog and it’s been driving me nuts. The girls have been at their most challenging for a long…

Ella: Ten

Earlier on this week, Ella, my eldest daughter, turned ten years old.  TEN! I can’t believe I’ve been a Mum for a decade.  As clichéd as it probably sounds, it really does feel like only yesterday that I gazed down in awe at the tiny ET look-a-like blinking up at me just moments after making…