Chloe Ridgway

Project Happy {Year 4}: Days 51-60

Hello May!  It’s been a bit of an odd couple of weeks – going back to school after the Easter holidays and getting back into the routine of packed lunches, remembering PE kits, after school clubs and homework, only to then have an extra day off because of the May Day Bank Holiday. We’re all…

In Search Of Bluebells…

Every year for the last few years, since the girls have been old enough to properly appreciate it really, we’ve headed off on a family adventure in search of bluebells.  It’s become a bit of a tradition as it’s usually around the time of my birthday that they’re all in bloom (though this year they’re a…

Little Loves: April 2017

Gosh this month seems to have zoomed by… again!  I feel like I say it in pretty much every post I write (and to be fair I probably do), but I just don’t know where this year is disappearing to.  April was a month of sunshine, family time and plenty of treats – it’s been…

Project Happy {Year 4}: Days 41-50

The second half of the Easter holidays felt like it whizzed by in a blur and even though we didn’t have many plans for the week the girls and I ended up having a really lovely time together.  The girls had a few playdates, we had some slow days and some busy days and generally just enjoyed hanging…

A Sunny Spring Sunday

As I sit here typing this it’s the middle of the Easter holidays and we’ve not long arrived home from a week-long holiday in Cornwall.  The husband is on his way back from taking the teenager home (*sob* – we’ve loved having her for the week and wish she could stay for longer) and I’m taking a break…

Project Happy {Year 4}: Days 31-40

We crawled towards the end of the Spring term tired, emotional and run down. All of us were so very ready for a break from school, work and the day-to-day routine and being able to spend the first week of the Easter holidays in Bude in Cornwall was exactly what we needed. There will be…