
A few thoughts…

I’m currently sat at my kitchen table, food shopping bags in the middle of the kitchen floor with the groceries still waiting to be put away, dishes in the sink that need to be washed up, washing on the airers and several to-do lists each as long as my arm scattered around me.  I’m procrastinating a little…

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On wanting to freeze time…

“I can feel it all starting to speed up. The workload. School stuff. Thoughts and feelings. Birthdays and Christmas. The approach to the end of the year always feels incredibly frantic, no matter how much I try and plan and organise and control. I wish I could freeze time, like this frozen leaf, just for…

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#19: Meet a celebrity

Towards the end of my epic year spent travelling in Australia in 2013, the guy I had been travelling with and I went our separate ways.  A couple moved into the shared dorm-room in Sydney that we’d been living in at the time.  Their names were Tamarin and Pete, and they were just at the beginning of their travelling adventure.  We did…

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A Year of Yoga

A year ago, at the beginning of October 2015, I walked in to my first yoga class full to the brim with nervous trepidation. Two or three other people were already there, sitting comfortably on their mats.  They each greeted me with a gentle smile.  The teacher, Claire, welcomed me warmly and I sat, cross-legged, with tense shoulders and shallow…

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#23: Climb a tree

As a child, I wasn’t really all that adventurous. I preferred reading books, drawing and writing stories to going off into the wilderness exploring. My Mum and Stepdad and I would go out for walks on a Sunday (the deer park on Stanmore Common was my favourite), or head to a garden centre, but that…

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September is my most favourite month of the year.  And yet somehow today is already the first of October and I feel like I’ve quite literally blinked and missed it. I treat September as my New Year, far more than I do January.  I don’t do Spring-cleaning.  Instead I have what I call ‘Autumn clear-outs’.  I…

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#32: Go to a gig

Having three children means that our house is constantly noisy.  Giggles and laughter, bickering and shouting, the TV, impromptu Sunday morning kitchen discos… it’s rarely quiet. (I tried to upload a video that the husband took of me dancing with the girls but it refused to load.  Probably a good thing!) And then when the girls…

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A Belated Birthday Blog

A little post and a few pictures from my birthday 🙂 We were blessed with glorious, hot and sunny weather all weekend.  I normally live in jeans, but I actually got my legs out and wore a skirt for once!  The girls were doubly stunned that I went out without a coat as well.  I’m so much happier…

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