Travel & Adventures

Climbing Mountains

Last Saturday I was in a bit of a funk.  We’d not really done much during the week, the girls were starting to get whingey and were spending far too long on their Nintendo DSs and Minecraft despite my best efforts, and I was desperate to get out of the house and have a really good, long walk.  We…

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Wanderlust: Taking the road less travelled

Wanderlust:  “a strong, innate desire to travel” I had the realisation recently that my husband and I approach holidays in completely opposite ways.  After twelve years together you’d have thought I’d have picked up on this before now!  At the end of July we had a wonderful week in Jersey with our three girls – exploring,…

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Jersey (part 1): Woodland Barn

July felt incredibly busy and I will freely admit that I heaved an enormous sigh of relief when school finished for the summer.  The thing that kept me going throughout the never-ending tiredness and inability to switch off my brain was the knowledge that as soon as the term was over we’d be escaping for a week to visit somewhere we’ve…

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